Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hi Everybody!

I've decided it's time to start a blog. I spend way too much time online chatting it up and (lately) maniacally perusing food blogs. Something has to change. I think I finally "get" the blog thing, and have decided to take the plunge. I wonder if I can interest anyone other than myself in my ponderings on parenthood, children in general, cooking, cupcakes, home daycare, teaching, education, the news, celebrities, and whatever else. I generally have an opinion on just about everything, so it should be a nice mix-up. I will have to learn to post pictures, I realize. It's embarrassing that I have no clue how to do that. If I knew aanything about the upload/download whatever the heck, I would surely share the video my daughter made of me tonight making chocolate chip cookies from the roll of dough. Or the one of me helping my son brush his teeth. If these topics don't sound compelling, you may not want to visit here again....
CIAO, Tracy


Jack Krug said...

OK I'm ready for it! By the way, adding pics and videos is easy -- so are links to other sites.. We can talk about it if you get stuck. Here's a GREAT food link:

And it's doubly good because I'm in there somewhere, commenting away.

Tracy said...

Hey dad! My current fav is VanillaGarlic.
:) Tracy