Friday, May 9, 2008


It's harder to keep this up than I thought it would be. I always underestimate how hard a thing is going to be. I kinda like this quality of mine makes me unafraid to take things on. :)

I might try some loose thoughts and observations for a while, rather than pressuring myself to spin a short yarn every day.

As for the birds, there are MORE babies. Discovered today. So little they do not peep at all yet. (Cute!) Can you believe it?!! I am so pleasantly surprised! Was that bird sitting there the mother laying more eggs? Was one of the first babies assigned the task of sitting on the next "litter?" Hmm.

You have probably noticed that my kids are my obsession. I am recently awakening from complete and total child obsession into a verision (still somewhat blurry) of my former self.....enough to actually SEE how obsessed I am. Oh well.

That said, here is my latest musing upon my little cherubs. I love answering my kids' questions. I suppose as a teacher, this aspect of parenting is one of my favorites. I get such satisfaction out of enlightening their little minds or feeding their natural desires to know. But this gets harder as they grow older. It used to be I had all the answers. The kids are only 4 and 6, yet more and more, I find myself leaning upon my "crutch answer:" "I am going to check that out for you on the internet as soon as you go to sleep."

I mean that sincerely, yet I don't always get around to it. Tonight Emilia asked me how our language was made. Huh? Uh, I don't know! I mean, I came up with some kind of an answer about languages growing from other languages, but I just made that up, and it didn't really satisfy me. I am going to look this up. Then a minute later, Lucas was asking me how many digits are in infinity. (I swear.) Uh....... Now I know that infinity does not have digits (right?) but I am having a heck of a time explaining infinity to these kids. Lucas is number nuts lately; I love it. He will ask me "Mommy, what's 10+10?" "What's 20+20?" What's 40+40?" and on and on and on until we're too high for me to do it in my head any longer.

Well, I guess I'm the internet.....AND BEYOND!

Happy Mom's Day Mommies!
:) Tracy


LOUIS said...

You know that at some point you're going to have to collect these for a book, right?--Louis

Tracy said...

Thank you, Louis! (I wonder if you will even read this, I am reading yours so late....)