Friday, May 9, 2008

Here ya go....

and (whoa!)

Not sure that helped.


1 comment:

Jack Krug said...

Luv the language origin thingie! Of course, bible interpreters will take you to the tower of Babel, which is God's way of punishing us for trying to reach out to Him. (Ever notice that the big 'G' punished us an awful lot in the Old Testament -- plagues, killing our first born, floods, turning us into pillars of salt, yada yada -- but He's been pretty friendly the last couple of millennia.)
Anyway, here's a funny etymological story: An explorer comes back from Africa, where he says he's discovered a tribe with a one-word language.
"What's the word?" asked his friend.
"Snark," came the reply.
"Well, then how do you say 'Good morning'?"
"That would be 'snark snark'.
"What about 'Good evening'?"
"That's 'snark snark'."
"Hey! Then how do you tell the difference between 'Good morning' and 'Good evening'?"
"Well, if someone says 'Snark Snark' and it's dark outside...